Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D.

What’s all the Rage about the Brazilian Butt Lift?

Jan 7, 2015 @ 10:45 AM — by Michael A. Devlin, MD
Tagged with: Brazilian Butt Lift Fat Transfer Liposuction Dr Michael Devlin

The term Brazilian Butt lift can be confusing. It is not a surgical lift of the buttock; no skin or fat is removed. In fact, skin removal and repositioning is a very useful technique to improve the appearance of the buttock after massive weight loss when the buttock is deflated and sagging. But that is not a Brazilian Butt Lift. Popularized in South America, the Brazilian Butt Lift is a buttock augmentation.

The Brazilian Bitt Lift has become a very popular procedure at my Little rock office.Th e Brazilian Butt Lift is performed by transferring fat to the buttock from other body areas. This is a significant improvement over older buttock augmentation techniques. Before fat transfers, buttock augmentation was done with silicone implants. The risk and complications of implants being placed into the buttocks, often times can be pretty severe. They can become displaced, infected or cause an excessive inflammatory response.  Your own fat will not do any of these things.  This is why I only will perform a Brazilian Butt Lift in this manner. However if you have no excess body fat available to transfer, you are unfortunately, not a candidate for surgery.

Besides avoiding implants, the Brazilian Butt Lift avoids significant scarring and recuperation. By using less vacuum and friction than usual liposuction techniques, the fat is harvested, not destroyed. The donor sites are usually from the abdomen, hips or thighs which are improved as well. Then the living fat is separated from the rest of the tissue through centrifuge or filtering techniques. This purified fat is then injected into the buttock to improve contour and projection. The scars are small and discomfort is limited. Most people say it feels like your muscles are sore after a big workout.

Click to see my before and after photos

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