Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D.

Are you a Candidate for Post-Bariatric Body Contouring? Part Two

Feb 10, 2015 @ 09:01 AM — by Michael A. Devlin, MD
Tagged with: Post Bariactrc Weight Loss Tummy Tuck Breast Reduction Body Lift Dr Michael Devlin



Post weight loss skin removal and post  massive body contouring helps to remove unwanted skin left over from dramatic weight loss.



I believe that thoroughly educating my patients is the key to a successful outcome. While body contouring procedures are very effective in restoring your body and skin to a natural looking appearance, it is still considered major surgery and does not come without risks.You will require an extensive consultation, where I will review you health history.  I will thoroughly examine you and we will discuss your goals and most common complications.


There are certain requirements that must be in place to have post weight loss surgery that typically include:

1. Stable weight for at least 6 months with no further weight loss expected.

2. Your overall health should be good without major medical conditions. You will need  clearance from relevant specialists (such as cardiologist or diabetes doctor)

3. You have a healthy diet and you are not protein deficient or have anemia

4. You do not smoke. Smoking decreases the healing process and increases the risks of serious complication.  If you do smoke you will need to stop for at least 6 weeks before surgery.  This is so important to me that I will nicotine test you before surgery as well as after.

5. You have realistic expectations.  Body contouring procedures are an incredible way to improve the shape of your body. However, it is impossible to restore your body to what it would have been without the weight gain. Also it is important to know that while I do remove the skin, it will be replaced with a scar.


Each and every patient has a unique situation.  I love to hear the my patients tell the story of their weight loss journey. My staff and I are here to celebrate with you on achieving such amazing goals. 

I sincerely care about your body, mind and spirit and want to help you achieve the body you have always wanted. To look on the outside how you feel on the inside.

For more information about candidacy requirements for post-bariatric body contouring, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Michael Devlin please contact our office today.

Devlin Cosmetic Surgery



Check back soon for our third installment of our four part series on Post Bariactric Weight Loss: Popular surgery procedures after dramatic weight loss