Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D.

Plastic Surgery Little Rock Arkansas

Mar 2, 2015 @ 09:01 AM — by Michael A. Devlin, MD
Tagged with: Plastic Surgery Little Rock Arkansas Plastic Surgeons In Little Rock Ar Michael Devlin M D Cosmetic Surgeons In Little Rock Arkansas


Dr. Michael Devlin, in Little Rock Arkansas, and his team of specially selected members of nurses, aestheticians and patient care coordinators are committed to making your experience as comfortable and convenient as possible. 

Throughout our time together, we hope you’ll find the process welcoming and the care you receive individually tailored to meet your needs. We want you to be well informed and knowledgeable on all aspects of your care.  

About Plastic Surgery in Little Rock, Arkansas

Your sense of beauty is as individual as you are. Yet for many, nothing is harder to see than their own beauty. Almost everyone doesn’t like some feature of their body. But for some individuals, real deformities, signs of aging or a perceived lack of beauty affect their personal outlook and self-esteem.

Motivations for having surgery vary from individual and gender. Some of the most common reasons for undergoing a cosmetic procedure include the following:

•To look as young as you feel

•To correct asymmetry of a body part

• To get psychological boost after a lifestyle change, such as a divorce or pregnancy.

•To maintain a youthful, vibrant appearance to effectively compete in the workplace.


As a society, we feel comfortable driving expensive cars, decorating our homes, or adorning our bodies with jewelry. We are naturally concerned about personal appearance. Cosmetic surgery does not have to be viewed as self-indulgent. Contrary to some beliefs, people undergoing cosmetic surgery are not vain and narcissistic. Those who are seeking aesthetic changes are ordinary people who have areas on the face or body that can be improved or enhanced.

Whether you opt for a small procedure like lip augmentation or an extensive procedure like a tummy tuck, cosmetic surgery can offer some important benefits including improved self-esteem. Depending on the type of procedure you elect, you may gain benefits such as:


Plastic Surgery Realistic Expectations:

The goal of cosmetic surgery is NOT to achieve perfection. The goal is for improvement. To be happy with your outcomes from plastic surgery you need to have realistic expectations. This means:

1. Nothing is perfect. The best doctors with the highest level of skills and experience cannot guarantee a particular result.

2. Exact matching is impossible. Particularly in cases of asymmetry or imbalance between similar body parts, like both breasts, eyes or ears. After surgery these parts will be as similar as possible, but exact matches cannot be assured.

3. Results may not be immediate. Few cosmetic surgery procedures produce final results immediately. Be prepared for recovery time from surgeries, procedures and treatments. Know that the initial recovery period gets you back to work, but the full recovery period produces the final results and may take up to a full year in certain circumstances.

4. You may not qualify for some procedures. Existing health conditions, family history, unhealthy lifestyle choices (such as smoking) and even skin tone could make you a poor candidate for certain cosmetic procedures.

5. Nothing is permanent. Even the most “permanent” procedures to reduce the signs of aging will start to fade. The body is subject to constant changes over time. Sometimes small shifts occur, like an implant that moves. A facelift can reset the clock but does not stop the clock. Other times, the benefits of a procedure wear away, like injections of fillers. Try not to expect more than is reasonable.


Dr.Michael Devlin works closely with his patients in order to learn about their aesthetic concerns, needs and desires, and he creates a unique treatment plan for each patient. In order to ease patient anxiety, Dr. Devlin and his staff personally explain what will happen before, during and after surgery, and he remains available for his patients throughout the post-surgical period in order to respond to any questions or concerns. We understand that choosing to have a cosmetic procedure is a very personal choice. Successful results often depend, in part, on how well you and your doctor communicate. We want you to feel comfortable and we would like for you to share your questions and concerns

We Look Forward To Assisting You in Achieving Your Plastic Surgery Goals

Contact Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D. Today!
