Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D.

All About Ears

Mar 10, 2015 @ 10:00 AM — by Michael A. Devlin, MD
Tagged with: Otoplasty Children Ears


Good Ages for Surgery

The ears mature very quickly, and because of this, the recommended age for otoplasty in children is very young, typically between the ages of 5 and 6. When otoplasty is performed at this age, children tend to only have faint memories of the procedure. While this age range is a good time to seek otoplasty, it is not necessarily the right time for every child.

Is There a Current Problem?

If your child is already feeling insecure about the appearance of his or her ears, or has already experienced torment from peers, it may not be obvious. Children may keep these feelings to themselves, feeling ashamed or scared to confide. If you suspect your child may be suffering emotionally on account of an ear deformity, it is probably a good idea to explore the idea of surgery.

Emotional Maturity

Not all children have the emotional maturity to undergo otoplasty at a young age. It is up to you and your family to decide whether or not your child can handle the pre- and post-operative care.

The Consultation

Family consultations can accomplish a lot toward assessing your child’s feelings about ear surgery. Consultations are important for meeting and developing a rapport with me, asking questions, and getting an idea of what the process entails.

A Big Decision

Obviously, otoplasty for your child is not a decision to undertake lightly. Talk it over with everyone involved, do lots of research, and do not move forward until you’re sure otoplasty is the right choice for your child. Remember, the surgery does not have to be performed at a specific time, and is successfully performed on young adults frequently.

Surgery and Recovery

General anesthesia is recommended for young patients, while local anesthesia and a sedative may be used for older children and adults. The procedure begins with a small incision made behind the ear, in the natural crease where the ear meets the head. Cartilage is then sculpted. After sculpting the cartilage to the preferred shape, stitches are used to hold the ear in the new position until healing is complete. Recovery is typically fast and children are able to return to school after a few days.

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If you are concerned about the appearance of your child’s ears or that of your own,

Call Devlin Cosmetic Surgery for your complimentary consultation.
