Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D.

Restylane Silk

Jul 21, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by Michael A. Devlin, MD
Tagged with: Cosmetic Surgery Little Rock Arkansas Restylane Silk Little Rock Arkansas

Fine lines and wrinkles are unfortunately a part of the natural aging process. Repeated facial movements like squinting, frowning and smiling and laughing can also speed up this process over time. This happens because collagen and fibers in the skin begin to break down. Wrinkles and fine lines can be addressed with products known as dermal fillers. 

Restylane® Silk is one of the newest fillers on the market. 

Restylane SILK is a softer formula with smaller particles that flow more smoothly during the injection process. This formulation is meant to flow into the small lip lines so that there it is less likely to produce lumps and bumps that could make lips look unnatural and uneven.

In a clinical study, 98% of patients reported improvement in their lip fullness 14 days after injection and 76% of them had noticeable lip improvement 6 months after their injection.

Candidates for Restylane Silk

Anyone who would like lip augmentation, or would like to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, is a candidate for treatment with Restylane Silk.

What Should I Expect During the Treatment?

Specially formulated topical numbing cream is applied for 15 to 20 minutes prior to treatment, which takes about 15 minutes to perform. At Devlin Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Devlin performs all of his own injections, which allows for a more personalized approach. The treatments involve very small needles, and are virtually painless due to the numbing cream and Dr. Devlin’s gentle injection technique. After the injection the area is gently massaged. Patients may return to normal activities immediately after treatment.

Discomfort is and swelling is minimal and may last for 24 hours. Slight bruising, if any, can be covered with makeup immediately. If the lips are treated, initial swelling and tenderness may occur within the first few days, but subsides after two or three days. Restylane silk last at least six months.

Like other hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, Restylane Silk has several benefits:

If you’re looking for a refreshed look for the lips or fine lines around the mouth, Restylane Silk just might be the answer you are looking for. Contact our office today to find out how Restylane Silk can give you that natural-looking lip fullness you’ve been waiting for.