Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D.

Breast Revision Surgery Little Rock Arkansas

Aug 17, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by Michael A. Devlin, MD
Tagged with: Breast Revision Surgery Little Rock Arkansas Breast Augmentation Little Rock Arkansas

Breast augmentation surgery is an extremely satisfying surgical procedure for women; however patients must realize that breast implants are not permanent lifelong device. Some people have breast augmentation surgery and have no problems 20 years later. Other women may look great initially, but the results may deteriorate over time. Ultimately, no matter how well your first surgery goes, the majority of women who have a breast augmentation will need to have a revision surgery procedure performed at some point in their lifetime.

There are many reasons why individuals may seek out breast revision surgery and the most common are:

Capsular Contracture

When the breast implants are inserted into the body, the body’s response is to recognize the breast implant as foreign material. In response, it forms a scar capsule that encases the implant and walls off the breast implant from the body. An inflammatory process occurs which causes the scar tissue to thicken and constrict around the implant making it unnaturally hard. Hardening of the breast implant, known as capsular contracture, may cause some women to experience firmness, visible distortion and pain.  An Open Capsulectomy, which is the removal of the entire capsule surrounding the implant, will often improve the discomfort and distortion of one’s breast and soften the breast. Once you have had one capsular contracture, you remain at an increased risk to have another one.

Deflation or Rupture

In women who have had saline implants, implant rupture is easier to detect, because the breast becomes visibly smaller as the body absorbs the leaking saline.  On the other hand, silicone implant rupture is more difficult to detect, however many women feel a change in the implant or breast that may clue them to a problem.  Regardless of the type of implant, once ruptured it is important to replace the implant.  Each of the breast implant manufactures will replace your implants at no cost, depending on the amount of time that has passed since your original surgery. Some may even help cover surgical costs to replace the implants.

Skin Laxity and Droopiness

The medical term for breast sagging is “ptosis.” This means falling down, drooping, or downward displacement. It will occur in almost all natural breasts except for the very smallest. 

Breast sagging is related to gravity and the tendency for all objects to fall toward the floor. Significant weight fluctuations, pregnancy, lack of bra use, skin tone and poor genetics are all related to breast ptosis. After a breast augmentation, the breast tissue can slide off the breast implant. As this occurs, the placement of the implants and overlying breast tissue may appear aesthetically unpleasing as the breasts appear saggy and are no longer centered over the implant

The treatment for breast ptosis depends on the cause. A low implant may be moved higher. Loose hanging breast tissue can be lifted and shaped into a more youthful position (breast lift). 

I always tell my patients that breast implants are not guaranteed to last a lifetime and future surgery may be required to replace one or both implants.  In certain instances, if a problem is caught early enough, conservative treatment may be all that is needed.  This is one reason why I follow up with my patients as frequently as I do.

If you have questions about your implants or feel like you may need a breast revision surgery.

Contact my office at 501-227-8811