Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D.

Chin Liposuction

Jul 25, 2016 @ 08:59 AM — by Michael A. Devlin, MD
Tagged with: Chin Liposuction Little Rock Arkansas Cosmetic Surgery Little Rock Arkansas Dr Michael Devlin

Battling excess fat under the chin can be a very frustrating process for men and women. Many patients struggle with this area regardless of their overall weight. When fat resides in the chin and neck; it sometimes gives a man or woman a “double chin” or overweight appearance. 

Dr. Michael Devlin, in Little Rock, Arkansas uses liposuction to achieve a sleeker, more defined neck and jawline. 

Liposuction has the ability to provide excellent improvements to a person’s facial appearance.

Chin liposuction is a minimally invasive cosmetic surgery procedure that can selectively remove fat from under the chin. The actual surgery takes less than an hour and the recovery period is short.  

The skin incisions used in liposuction are tiny compared to the incisions used in facelift surgery. Small incisions are possible because newer liposuction instruments are very tiny also. In addition, all of the incisions are placed where they are very difficult to spot. Most patients will have three different incisions., one underneath the chin and one behind each earlobe. Once the healing process is complete these incisions are difficult to find.

Who is a good Candidate for Chin Liposuction?

Chin Liposuction is a good option for healthy men and women who have a “double chin” or who would like a more youthful, defined facial profile. Skin tone must be good. In order to be considered for this procedure, your skin needs to exhibit a sufficient degree of elasticity.  Liposuction can remove fat, but achieving a smooth contour depends on the quality of skin tone and the ability to contract after surgery.  If you have reached an age or condition where your skin is lacking elasticity, a neck lift (possibly combined with liposuction) may be a more appropriate procedure.

Chin Liposuction Recovery

Chin liposuction does not require a general anesthesia which makes the immediate post operative period easier.  Most patients are taking 2-3 days off of work and can undergo light activity during that time.  A chin strap will be worn for the first 48-72 hours and then nightly for 10 days.  There may be minimal to moderate swelling and bruising that should resolve rapidly.  Makeup can be worn the following day. The tiny stitches that are placed during your procedure will be removed 7-10 days following your surgery.

How much does chin liposuction cost?

The price of neck liposuction surgery in the Little Rock area is approximately $1500 depending on the individual needs of each patient.

The New You

A slimmer facial profile can dramatically change not only how your face looks, but also how slim and fit you look overall. Our patients who have facial liposuction enjoy their tighter and more toned look and tend to be more confident.

Dr. Michael Devlin and his staff at Devlin Cosmetic Surgery have helped men and women all over Arkansas enjoy a positive, rewarding and comfortable cosmetic surgery experience. If you’re ready to see the difference that chin liposuction can make in your appearance, request your consultation here or contact our office at 501-227-8811.