Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D.

Cosmetic Procedure Options for Men Considering A Makeover

Sep 19, 2016 @ 08:00 AM — by Michael A. Devlin, MD
Tagged with: Gynecomasatia Surgery Little Rock Ar Plastic Surgery For Men Little Rock Ar Male Facelift Little Rock Plastic Surgeons For Men In Little Rock Ar

Attention Guys: plastic surgery isn't just for the women anymore. Dr. Michael Devlin is a top provider for plastic surgery for men in Arkansas. 

While male-focused procedures may not make the headlines as frequently, they are certainly available. If you feel like it's time for some sprucing up then Dr. Devlin just may have the answer for you. Dr. Michael Devlin is experienced in tailoring the special needs of the male body to keep their masculine features.

Here are the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures performed on men in Little Rock, AR :


Injectable wrinkle relaxers such as Botox or Dysport are super popular with men because they provide almost instant results and you don’t have to take any time off of work. Furrowed brows, crow’s feet and wrinkled foreheads can be reduced in a matter of minutes in the office.  Removing lines and wrinkles in these areas can go a long way towards a younger and more relaxed look at work. The results can last for 3-4 months. The cost is approximately $300 per area treated.

Facelift and Neck Lift

The chin and jowls areas are  typical concerns for a lot of men especially in the competitive and youth oriented workforce of today. A facelift or necklift can provide the solution. Dr. Devlin is skilled at providing facelift results for men that look natural and “not operated on’. Men can look more rested and younger without any telltale signs that they have had surgery.  This is usually an in office procedure without the need for general anesthesia. Recovery from a face or neck lift is usually 5-10 days. The cost is between $3500-$7000.

Chemical peel 

Skin on your face, neck and hands create a first impression. While men can hide behind a 5 o’clock shadow, that doesn't mean that the quality of your skin should be neglected. Chemical peels are offered in a variety of strengths and formulas catered to each man’s face and needs at the time. It reverses sun damage, balances uneven skin tones, and reduces wrinkles. This is an in office procedure that is done in the fall and winter months.  Recovery is 5-7 days. The cost of the procedure depends on the strength of the chemical peel and is between $500-1200.


When diet and exercise leave resistant pockets of fat, liposuction can surgically remove them. Liposuction is meant for someone that is close to or at their goal weight and is for body contouring.  Most men complain about areas of stubborn fat around their abdomen, waist, chest and chin that often make them feel self-conscious.  Liposuction is an outpatient procedure with recovery being just a few days. Full results of Liposuction may take 12 weeks to be achieved.  The cost of Liposuction is dependent on the area that is involved which is between $3000-8000.

Gynecomastia Surgery - Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia is the swelling of breast tissue in men, caused from puberty or certain medications. There are a couple of methods that can be used to treat Gynecomastia such as liposuction or cutting out excess glandular tissue or a combination of both.  This is an outpatient procedure with a recovery period of approximately one week. The cost of Gynecomastia surgery is $4000-7000.

No longer is there a stigma for men undergoing a cosmetic or plastic surgery procedure.  After all men want to look good too!

Contact Dr. Michael Devlin at 501-227-8811 and start the process of a younger looking more confident you!