Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D.

Tummy Tuck after C-section: Is It Safe?

Apr 17, 2020 @ 07:43 AM — by Michael A. Devlin, MD
Tagged with: Tummy Tuck

Even with diet and exercise, achieving flat and toned abdominal muscles can be difficult if not impossible. Dr. Michael Devlin can customize a tummy tuck that removes loose skin and tightens the abdominal muscles. The body contouring procedure delivers dramatic cosmetic results.

One common question that our patients ask is whether a past or upcoming C-section will interfere with their candidacy for a tummy tuck. At Dr. Devlin’s practice, serving Little Rock, AR, Conway, AR, and Hot Springs, AR, we discuss tummy tuck after C-section with our patients.

Can a Tummy Tuck and C-section Be Combined?

Since the incision made for a tummy tuck and C-section are both located in the lower abdomen, some patients reasonably ask if a tummy tuck can be performed immediately after their C-section. Doing so would reduce overall surgery time, the reasoning goes.

While the idea of combining two surgeries may seem like a good idea, the logistics of combining medical and cosmetic procedures are not feasible, and undergoing cosmetic surgery after childbirth would place too much stress on the women’s body. For these reasons, Dr. Devlin recommends that you wait a period of time before undergoing your tummy tuck.

Tummy Tuck after C-section: How It Works

Once your body has fully healed from C-section, you can gain candidacy for a tummy tuck. Dr. Devlin will go over the particulars of when your surgery can be scheduled.

When Is Too Soon?

A tummy tuck involves general anesthesia and medications that could pose a problem if you are breastfeeding. Mothers should also consider how recovery from a tummy tuck may interfere with maternal duties and bonding time.

Will Dr. Devlin Use My Current C-section Scar?

In many cases, Dr. Devlin incorporates the existing C-section scar of his patients when performing a tummy tuck. Beyond taking that special measure, your tummy tuck surgery will be performed just like anyone else’s. Once your C-section scar has been reopened, Dr. Devlin will remove excess skin. In many cases, the abdominal muscles are surgically tightened.

The last step of your abdominoplasty includes repositioning the skin on your abdomen and suturing the skin into its new position. Be sure to follow your recovery guidelines closely to ensure that you do not experience unwanted side effects or complications.

Should I Seek a Tummy Tuck if I Plan on Becoming Pregnant Again?

There are benefits to waiting until you are done having kids before undergoing a tummy tuck. It is possible to have children after a tummy tuck, but pregnancy may undo the cosmetic results of your plastic surgery.

If you have questions regarding family planning and when you should have your tummy tuck, Dr. Devlin will be glad to advise you on how to reach your cosmetic goals in a safe and practical manner.

Schedule Your Tummy Tuck Today

Following pregnancy or significant weight loss, a tummy tuck can recontour your abdomen by removing excess skin and fat. In many cases, Dr. Devlin can incorporate your C-section scar into the procedure.

To learn if you are a candidate for a tummy tuck, please contact our office online or call (501) 227-8811.