Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D.

Maintaining Tummy Tuck Results

Apr 5, 2021 @ 10:45 AM — by Michael A. Devlin, MD
Tagged with: Maintaining Tummy Tuck Results

Many people desire a flat, toned midsection. Unfortunately, that is not as easy to achieve as it may seem when watching people flaunt their abs on TV or in magazines. Even with good diet and exercise habits, many people struggle with stubborn fat deposits and loose skin around the stomach.

Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Michael A. Devlin offers tummy tuck surgery to eliminate excess fat and tissues, and repair loose abdominal muscles. A tummy tuck offers promising results, but our Little Rock, AR, plastic surgery patients may regain fat or lose firmness over time. Here we offer tips for maintaining tummy tuck results so that patients can enjoy their enhanced figure for the long-term.

Stay Active

Physical activity is extremely beneficial when it comes to maintaining tummy tuck results. Of course, strenuous exercise is off-limits while recovering from a tummy tuck, but patients are encouraged to take short walks as soon as possible, and to lengthen those walks as they feel up to it. Once a patient has been given the okay, they should resume (or start) an exercise routine that is enjoyable to them.

The type of exercise that a person practices really isn’t important, as long as they are consistent. And there is no need to worry about spending a lot of time on crunches or other abdominal exercises. If our Little Rock patients participate in aerobic activity and raise their heart rate for at least 30 minutes, three to five days a week, they will be on the right path to keep the flat, toned midsection achieved through their tummy tuck.

Eat a Nutritious Diet

Patients do not need to deprive themselves or count every calorie following tummy tuck surgery, but a healthy diet is key for maintaining weight loss results. While occasional treats are okay, we encourage our Little Rock patients to choose whole foods that are rich in vitamins and nutrients. Meals and snacks should consist predominantly of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

Focus on Weight Maintenance

When a person’s weight fluctuates, the skin does not always respond in turn. This means that even if a person loses weight, they may be stuck with loose, flabby skin. A tummy tuck removes excess skin to provide a firmer, smoother midsection. One of the best ways to maintain those results is by keeping the weight steady, and avoiding both significant weight gain and significant weight loss. If patients exercise regularly and eat a nutritious diet, their weight should remain within the same range.

Refrain From Smoking

Smoking may seem to have nothing to do with the stomach, but it can have a big impact on the entire body. Smoking restricts blood circulation, which makes it more difficult to deliver vital nutrients to the organs of the body. If patients smoke following a tummy tuck it can inhibit healing and prevent them from achieving (or maintaining) optimal surgical results. We urge patients to quit smoking several weeks prior to tummy tuck surgery, and to continue to refrain from tobacco use for at least six to eight weeks afterwards.

Contact Dr. Michael A. Devlin

If you are considering tummy tuck surgery, Dr. Michael A. Devlin would be happy to provide you with information about the procedure, its recovery, and anticipated results. To learn more, send us a message online, or call our office at (501) 227-8811.