Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D.

Tummy Tuck after Pregnancy

Aug 12, 2021 @ 11:01 AM — by Michael A. Devlin, MD
Tagged with: Tummy Tuck After Pregnancy

Pregnancy changes the body, leaving many women with excess fat and loose abdominal skin that won’t go away despite diet and exercise. Tummy tuck surgery can flatten the abdomen, helping women feel comfortable and slender, regain their confidence, and love their post-baby bodies. 

At Devlin Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Michael Devlin offers tummy tuck after pregnancy to women in Little Rock, AR, Conway, AR, Hot Springs, AR, and surrounding areas. If you would like to find out if you’re a candidate for tummy tuck surgery, we welcome you to schedule a consultation. 

The Abdomen after Pregnancy

Pregnancy changes the abdomen in ways that many women struggle to overcome. Often, diet and exercise alone are not enough to address the issues women face after pregnancy. Some of the most common issues affecting the abdomen post-pregnancy include:

About Tummy Tucks 

Tummy tuck surgery, also called abdominoplasty, improves the contours of the abdomen by physically removing loose, excess skin. The amount of skin and the extent of incisions required depends on the type of tummy tuck performed.  

Traditional tummy tucks are performed by making an incision along the lower abdomen, above the pubic bone area. The skin and underlying muscles are tightened and the excess tissues are removed. Traditional tummy tucks address the upper and lower abdomen, making them ideal for women who wish to improve the overall appearance of their full abdomen. 

For women who wish to address only lower abdominal issues, a mini tummy tuck may be best. During a mini tummy tuck, a smaller incision is made under the lower abdomen and above the pubic area. 

Both traditional and mini tummy tucks can be combined with other types of plastic surgery, including liposuction, breast lift, or breast augmentation to fully rejuvenate the appearance and help women feel comfortable in their post-baby bodies.   

The Benefits of Tummy Tuck after Pregnancy

While exercising and weight loss can help improve the appearance of the abdomen, many women find that they are unable to regain their pre-baby bodies. A tummy tuck can address many of the abdominal issues affecting women after pregnancy so that they can enjoy a smoother, more contoured abdomen. 

There are many benefits to undergoing tummy tuck surgery after pregnancy, such as:

Find Out if a Tummy Tuck Is Right for You

Every woman deserves to feel confident in her body after pregnancy. For some, tummy tuck surgery is the right option to address abdominal changes after pregnancy and restore confidence. To find out if a tummy tuck is right for you, call (501) 227-8811 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Devlin.