Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D.

Tummy Tuck Candidates

Aug 19, 2022 @ 10:00 AM — by Michael A. Devlin, MD
Tagged with: Tummy Tuck

Many people struggle with excess skin around the midsection. Even with a strict diet and exercise routine it is difficult to get the tight, toned appearance that most people would like for the stomach. A tummy tuck eliminates excess tissue and tightens the skin to enhance contours and provide a slimmer appearance.

Tummy tuck treatment is popular because of its effective results. However, not everyone is an ideal candidate for this cosmetic procedure. Dr. Michael A. Devlin, whose cosmetic surgery practice serves Little Rock, AR, Conway, AR, and Hot Springs, AR, discusses what makes someone an ideal tummy tuck candidate, and which characteristics are important when considering this procedure.

Good General Health

Tummy tuck surgery has a proven record of safety and success. Most patients recover from the procedure in a timely manner and achieve their desired aesthetic results. Still, as with any surgical treatment, a tummy tuck carries a small degree of risk. Although it is very rare, it is possible for patients to develop complications while they recover from a tummy tuck procedure. To minimize the risk of surgical complications, it is important that we only offer treatment to those who are in good health and free of any conditions that could increase the risk of infection or other surgical complications.

Stable Weight

People often mistakenly view a tummy tuck as a weight loss procedure. This is not the case. A tummy tuck eliminates stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. While this usually does result in some weight loss, the primary goal of treatment is to improve contours and provide a more toned appearance. This procedure is really only ideal for those who have achieved a stable weight, and those who are within 15 to 20 pounds of their ideal weight range.

Realistic Expectations

In addition to physically being a good candidate for tummy tuck treatment, patients should also be emotionally prepared for this procedure. A big part of this is having realistic expectations for treatment results. Tummy tuck surgery is not a weight loss procedure. However, a tummy tuck can still dramatically improve the appearance of the midsection. Tummy tuck surgery is able to address aesthetic concerns such as:


To further minimize the risk of surgical complications, and to promote a timely recovery, tummy tuck patients should be non-smokers. Smoking constricts the blood vessels and decreases the body’s ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients to incision sites, which can ultimately impede healing. Those who do smoke must be willing to quit the habit for at least four to six weeks prior to treatment, and another four to six weeks after treatment.

Contact Our Practice

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your midsection, a tummy tuck can help you achieve the flat, toned appearance you desire. To learn more about this popular plastic surgery procedure, and whether you may be an ideal candidate for treatment, contact our plastic surgery practice online or call (501) 227-8811 and request a personal consultation.