Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D.

Breast Augmentation Recovery

Nov 13, 2020 @ 04:23 PM — by Michael A. Devlin, MD
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation

While there are many women who want to enhance the size or shape of their breasts with breast augmentation surgery, the recovery process may make some hesitate. At his practice in Little Rock, AR, Dr. Michael Devlin can walk patients through what to expect after the procedure so that they can make a fully informed decision when considering treatment. In this blog post, our team offers some tips and tricks for a successful breast augmentation recovery.

How Long Does Breast Augmentation Recovery Take?

Because each patient is different, the answer to this question can vary. In general, full recovery takes about six to eight weeks. Healing can be divided up into stages, which we can explore in more detail below.

The Day of Your Surgery

In most cases, breast augmentation is performed as an outpatient procedure. Because you will be groggy from the anesthesia, you must have a friend or family member drive you home and stay with you for the first 24 hours.

Your breasts will be wrapped in surgical dressing. Our team will provide you with specific postoperative instructions regarding wound care and how to take your medications.

Day Three to Five

As with any surgery, patients will likely experience some degree of discomfort. There will also be some swelling and bruising. Most individuals report feeling muscle tightness or achiness in the breasts, neck, shoulders, and back. However, Dr. Devlin will provide you with medications to mitigate these side effects.

End of First Week

At this stage, most patients will notice that discomfort has decreased to the point that it can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. Dr. Devlin will see you for a follow-up visit around this time to ensure you are healing as expected. He will talk with you about resuming normal activities, such as going to work and driving.

First Month

As the next few weeks go by, most patients begin to feel like themselves again. If you have a labor-intensive job, you may need to take a few additional weeks off for recovery. Exercise routines, in general, should be avoided until at least four to six weeks after surgery. Be sure to clear this with Dr. Devlin before hitting the gym again.

End of Second Month

By about eight week post-treatment, you should be close to full recovery. At this point, Dr. Devlin will see you for another follow-up and clear you for all activities.

Tips for a Successful Recovery

There are several things that patients can do to reduce postoperative complications and foster healing. Here are a few recommendations from our Little Rock team:

Learn More about Breast Augmentation Recovery

Are you considering breast augmentation? Have you recently undergone the procedure? If so, following these recommendations can help you enjoy a comfortable recovery. To learn more about breast augmentation or any of the cosmetic procedures offered at our Little Rock practice, contact us online or call us at (501) 227-8811.