Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D.

What Parts of the Body Can Liposuction Treat?

Feb 22, 2024 @ 10:55 AM — by Michael A. Devlin, MD
Tagged with: Liposuction

People are often told that a healthy diet and exercise routine is enough to maintain a slim, toned figure. Unfortunately, no matter how dedicated a person is to a healthy lifestyle, many struggle with stubborn fat deposits. Fat deposits may collect around various body parts, creating problem areas.

Liposuction targets trouble zones to break up and remove unwanted fat deposits. Liposuction treatment improves body contours and helps patients achieve their aesthetic goals. Here, cosmetic surgeon Michael A. Devlin, who serves individuals from Little Rock, Conway, and Hot Springs, AR, discusses the different areas of the body that liposuction can treat to enhance the figure.

Abdomen and Love Handles 

The abdomen is one of the most common areas for stubborn fat deposits to collect. Extra fat around the midsection can create the appearance of a round belly or love handles that stick out over the tops of shorts and pants, creating an unwanted “muffin top.” Liposuction removes fat deposits to sculpt the abdomen and trim love handles to give patients a slimmer, firmer midsection.


The hips are another body part that tends to hold onto fat deposits. There are not a lot of exercises that specifically target the hips, so achieving the pleasing curves a person wants can be difficult without the help of cosmetic surgery. Liposuction precisely targets the hips to remove local fat deposits and enhance body contours.


Large thighs can throw off body proportions, making a person look bottom-heavy. Cellulite is another cosmetic concern that commonly affects the thighs. Dr. Devlin can perform liposuction around the thighs to eliminate stubborn fat deposits, minimize the appearance of cellulite, and improve body proportions to promote an hourglass figure.

Upper Arms

Numerous exercises target the upper arms to build strength and improve muscle definition. However, toned arm muscles can be concealed beneath layers of fat that don’t always go away with exercise. Liposuction gets rid of unwanted fat to trim the arms and improve their tone.

Chest and Upper Torso 

Liposuction can be performed on the chest and upper torso alone or as part of a male or female breast reduction (which eliminates excess skin and tissues). Liposuction can minimize the size of dense, heavy breasts or eliminate fatty tissues from the male chest. 

Neck and Face 

Liposuction utilizes small incisions and a thin surgical instrument (a cannula) to remove fat deposits. Because of the cannula’s sleek size, liposuction can treat nearly any area of the body, including those that aren’t as large, such as the neck and face. Liposuction along the face and neck can define facial features, strengthen the jawline, and eliminate the appearance of a double chin.

Contact Us

Liposuction is one of the most versatile cosmetic surgery procedures, with the ability to treat multiple parts of the body. Liposuction may be the ideal solution if you have trouble zones affected by stubborn fat deposits. To learn more about liposuction treatment and its benefits, contact our cosmetic surgery practice and schedule a consultation with Dr. Michael A. Devlin.