Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D.

Mommy Makeover in Little Rock Arkansas

Oct 19, 2018 @ 01:33 PM — by Michael A. Devlin, MD
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Tummy Tuck Labiaplasty Non Surgical Vaginal Laser

Have you heard the term “mommy makeover” and thought, I need a makeover, but my kids are grown, and this doesn’t apply to me? A mommy makeover is a catch all phrase that refers to a combination of body contouring procedures performed at the same time. While it is technically called a “mommy” makeover, the procedures can help the appearance of new mothers, as well as those mothers who have raised their children and now are ready to do something for themselves and “Grandmother Makeovers” are now on the rise.

Your mommy makeover may include:

Breast Augmentation- Breast implants can restore the fullness and volume lost during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Because there are many different sizes with different widths and projection, Dr. Devlin is skilled at directing to your perfect size.

Breast Lift- The loss of volume will often make the breast appear to sag. A breast lift can will help to restore a more youthful appearance.

Breast Reduction- Breast tissue can grow with the weight of pregnancy making every day activities more difficult. A breast reduction will remove this excess breast tissue, improving neck and back pain while giving you a more proportioned figure.

Tummy Tuck-a tummy tuck will improve the stomach area, removing excess fat skin and stretch marks, giving you a flat toned abdomen.

Labiaplasty- The labia and elongate due to hormones and giving birth vaginally. Labiaplasty can improve the appearance of the labia and associated pain and embarrassment that occurs with working out or in intimate situations.

Non-surgical vaginal laser treatments- Because pregnancy can place alot of stress on the baldder and vagina, nonsurgical laser treatments, help to allviate the symptoms of urinary incontinence, vaginal looseness and vaginal dryness, improving sexual health. 

Liposuction- “pockets” of fat can grow around areas of the waist, back, braline or thighs. Liposuction helps to contour improving the appearance and giving you a shapely figure you have always dreamed of.

Important Information About A Mommy Makeover

1. The mommy makeover will be performed as an outpatient surgery – Dr. Devlin’s primary concern is for your safety and will limit your anesthesia time to 5 hours or less.

2. Your recovery can take from one to six weeks – This will depend on the specific procedures included in your mommy makeover. For liposuction and breast augmentation, you could recover as fast a few days. For other procedures, plan on your recovery taking up to two weeks, during which time you will be sore, bruised and swollen. If your plan includes a tummy tuck, you can not pick up anything heavier than 10 pounds for six weeks. So take advantage of this time to get such much needed rest!

3. You will need help around the house – You will be tired and tender for several days after your mommy makeover, making cooking and cleaning next to impossible; enlist help around the house from a family member or friend.

4. No driving until pain medications have been stopped – This is different based on the procedure you choose but plan on at least 5 days without driving.

5. Swelling can last for three months or longer – While some benefits of a mommy makeover are immediate, the full results cannot be assessed until all swelling has subsided.

6. Smoking delays healing – Nicotine decreases circulation, delaying wound healing and increasing the risk for serious complications to occur; Dr. Devlin will have you stop smoking for at least six weeks before and six weeks after your mommy makeover. Because to Dr. Devlin’s primary goal is to help you heal as safely as possible, expect to be test for nicotine several time before your surgery.

7.Follow all post-operative instructions that your doctor gives you- How you heal will ultimately depend on how you take care of yourself after surgery. An important part of maintaining your new shape is with your diet and a good exercise routine.

8. Allow yourself time to heal- It’s going to take a while to be back to 100%- Set realistic expectation and remember this is a major surgery. Be gentle with both your mind and body.

9. You will have a scar- most patients will gladly replace a scar with a flat toned body however, if you are thinking about a tummy tuck, expect to have a scar from hip to hip. Scars do heal and fade over time and are strategically placed to be hidden as well as possible, but they will be a permeant part of the new you.

10. Get ready for a serious boost in self-confidence – Your mommy makeover will be life-changing, restoring confidence and pride in your appearance.

Schedule a Consultation

A mommy makeover is a great way to regain your confidence, no matter what the age of your children. Visit our photo gallery to see before and after photos and how a mommy makeover could benefit you.

Call our office at 501-227-8811 or use the contact form below to start the process to a new refreshed you!